The word Halloween has its origins in the Catholic Church. It comes from a contracted corruption of the day on Nov. 1, "Every Day of Holes" (or "All Saints Day"), is a day of observance in honor of Catholic saints. But in the fifth century AD, in Celtic Ireland, summer officially concluded on October 31. The holiday was Samhain, the Celtic New Year.
Some witches believe that the origin of the name comes from the word hallowinas - the name given to female guardians of knowledge hidden from the northern lands (Scandinavia).
Halloween marks the official end of summer and the beginning of the new year. Also celebrates the end of the thirdand last year's harvest, the beginning of the storage of supplies for the winter, the beginning of the return of herdsfrom pasture and the renewal of its laws. It was a party with several names: Samhain (late summer), Samhein, LaSamon, or Feast of the Sun But what was it was the Scottish Hallowe'en.
One of the legends of Celtic origin says that the spirits of all who died during that year would come back in searchof living bodies to possess and use the next year. The Celts believed to be the only chance in life after death. The Celts believed all laws of space and time, which allowed the spirit world to intermingle with the living.
As the living would not be possessed on the night of October 31, extinguished the torches and bonfires of their houses, so they become cold and unpleasant, put costumes and noisily paraded around the neighborhood, being as destructive as possible in order to scare those looking for bodies to possess, (Panati).
The Romans adopted the Celtic practices, but in the first century AD, they abandoned them.
Halloween was brought to the United States in 1840 by Irish immigrants fleeing famine in which their country was..
sweets and mischief
The game of "trick or treating" originates from a ninth century European custom called "souling" (aim). OnNovember 2, All Souls Day, Christians went from village to village asking for "soul cakes" (soul cakes), which were made of small squares of bread with currants.
For each cake that won, one should say a prayer for a dead relative of the donor. It was believed that the soulsremained in limbo for some time after his death and that the prayers helped her go to heaven.
The candle in the pumpkin probably has its origins in Irish folklore.
the meaning of the symbols of Halloween

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fonte de pesquisa : historia do halloween.
Trabalho de Ingles /; Prof/; Madalena
by : Obeclenya Alves.
Fonte de pesquisa:halloween pesquisas.
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